The platysma muscle (or skin muscle) is the muscle of the neck, extending from the cheekbones to the clavicles. With age, vertical wrinkles can appear on the neck, called platysmal cords: they are due to a state of hypercontraction of the platysma.

Botox®, by reducing the muscle contraction signal, corrects the state of muscle hypercontraction responsible for the wrinkles. The effect takes between 5 and 10 days to take effect.


Only doctors, with a practice authorization, can inject Botox ® in Switzerland. Laboratories selling Botox ® are only authorized to sell it to doctors with a license. There are many counterfeits that can endanger your body.


Selective injection of Botox in the muscles mentioned above (requiring a perfect knowledge of anatomy)

Results :

Final results within 15 days
Longevity of results: 3-9 months (rather 3 months in patients who have already had more than 10 times botox, it is often interesting in this case to try Bocouture ®or Azzalure ®which can give a more prolonged effect)

Before the injection:

Inform Dr. Lucas of any anticoagulant medication (Sintrom, Coumadin, Eliquis, etc..) or Aspirin, special care will be taken during the injections to avoid small vessels and prevent hematoma
Take Arnica capsules 5 times a day for 5 days before surgery to prevent hematoma if taking anticoagulants or Aspirin
Contraindications: myasthenia, neuromuscular diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding


Pain: no, with an experienced injector
Duration of procedure: 20 minutes
Anesthesia: no
Location: office
Outpatient (without hospitalization)

After the procedure:

Post-injection pain: no
Social eviction: no
Return to work: immediate
Return to sports: 48h

Avoid sauna, hammam, hot shower and massage of the injection areas for 48 hours
Stop smoking to prolong the effect of Botox
Check-up by Dr Lucas 2 weeks

Complications common to all injections :

– Infection, hematoma, asymmetry, under-correction
– Diffusion into adjacent muscles: asymmetry of the labial commissure

Alternatives and operations that can be combined :

Botox® often correctly corrects “dynamic” wrinkles, i.e., not visible at rest but present during facial expressions.

For “static” wrinkles (present at rest), a combination with the CO2 laser or hyaluronic acid gives better results.